LEAP Therapy

LEAP is a non-invasive, individualized program that combines western and eastern ideas and techniques to re-synchronize brain neurology giving an individual access to their full potential and ability.
Learning Enhancement Acupressure Program (LEAP), was developed by Dr Charles T. Krebs in collaboration with clinical psychologists, speech pathologists, neurologists and other health professionals. LEAP is a comprehensive approach to assessing and correcting most learning challenges including dyslexia, ADD, ADHD, and many difficulties with reading, spelling and mathematics. LEAP is taught at colleges and universities in Australia and Europe and many practitioners around the world currently use the LEAP program in their practice.

Neurological conditions involving imbalances in brain function and can affect learning. LEAP addresses these imbalances by re-establishing and maintaining the precise synchrony of the brain.

LEAP  is a program that enhances brain function, learning and all areas of performance. The foundation of all high level performance and learning is integrated brain function because the brain is a multi-modular structure "bound" together functionally by synchronized timing of neural activity. Performance of any mental activity can be considered the "symphony of thought". The output of each brain module must be precisely "timed" to prevent the harmony of mental function from turning into a dysfunctional state. Loss of integrated brain function literally equals loss of effective emotional and mental processing, the primary source of “stress” in our lives.

The purpose of LEAP Brain Integration is to re-establish the synchronised timing of brain activity to bring function back "on-line" in areas where it may have become lost due to stress, or was never properly established in the first place. The loss of Brain Integration and thus function may only be situational, causing difficulty and stress performing certain functions in certain situations or circumstances (ex. stage fright) or it may be on-going as in the case of Specific Learning Difficulties.

LEAP restores brain integration by re-synchronizing important neural flows. Acupressure techniques that employ the Law of Five Elements of Traditional Chinese Medicine have been shown to be very effective in re-synchronizing neural flows, and re-establishing brain functional integration.

Far too many of us, adults and children alike, experience cognitive deficiencies that are a direct result of the loss of proper brain integration.
LEAP techniques have helped tens of thousands of individuals to overcome these challenges.


7 July 2009

M’s LEAP sessions seem to have lasted. In class I have seen that since the LEAP sessions M’s concentration and listening skills have improved.  Moreover, she has kept up the pace and now will pick up a book and read freely with fluency and accuracy to the class, where before she would not do this.
M has a greater concentration span in class and will do the work set for everybody without the need for differentiation. M’s mother told me that M now reads more with her own free will, at breakfast and on the weekends. Moreover, M is also writing and she showed me a story which M wrote for me. As M’s class teacher I do believe that the LEAP sessions have helped her enormously and I have seen the transition from a shy child to a confident child, with her peers and academically.

Miss A Bhowal
Sudbury Primary School


If you would like to read more about LEAP and Kinesiology please read the PDF files below:


LEAP Neurological Basis
